We need your help! Partner with us to keep our water safe and communities clean.
There are four easy ways—
If your community/city is a program participant:
- Drop off your waste at a local collection event. Your community should share a notice of the date and time of upcoming events.
- Pick up a Contract Voucher, and deliver your waste directly to the Environmental Collection Center, 6400 Bridge Street in Fort Worth. If you live in a participating city, you can pick up a Contract Voucher from your city. Your city will be billed for the disposal.
If your community/city is not a program participant:
- Purchase a Fort Worth Voucher from us and deliver your waste directly to the Environmental Collection Center, 6400 Bridge Street in Fort Worth.
- Purchase an Event Voucher from us, and take your waste directly to a mobile collection event already scheduled by your District in Denton County. These vouchers can be purchased by an individual directly from the District at 900 N. Kealy in Lewisville.