When you turn on the faucet, you expect water to come out.
We serve an area whose population is anticipated to grow nearly 500% in the next half century. Since it often takes decades to permit and build the infrastructure that keeps water running/clean, we are planning today to provide reliable water and wastewater service to the families and cities that depend on us.
Our Projects
These projects will allow UTRWD to continue providing safe, clean drinking water to meeting the growing water needs of its customers.
Harpool Water Treatment Plant Expansion: Phases 1 & 2
To help meet the growing needs of our service area, UTRWD is working to increase the treatment capacity of the Harpool Water Treatment Facility near Providence Village, Texas. Improvements are underway to increase the treatment capacity from 20 million gallons per day (MGD) to 30 MGD by 2025. Construction crews will also build additional administration and maintenance facilities. Phase 2 of the expansion will increase treatment capacity from 30 MGD to 60 MGD.
The Current Harpool Water Treatment Plant that will be expanded to meet increasing local water needs.
Thomas E. Taylor Water Treatment Plant Expansion: Phase 3
The Taylor Regional Water Treatment Plant in Lewisville was originally placed into service in 1998. Due to increased demand for drinking water, the Plant is being expanded from 70 MGD to 85 MGD. The project includes improvements to the Plant facility filter basins, settled water bypass, flocculation and sedimentation basins, pumps, electrical service upgrades, onsite chemical storage and generation, ozone system expansion, and backup generators.
Regional Treated Water System Treatment and Pumping Improvements
As the Thomas E. Taylor Regional Water Treatment Plant is being expanded, several upgrades to the Regional Treated Water System will be made to update the aging infrastructure and better meet increased water demands. The upgrades and improvements include additional / new pumps and electrical equipment at the Raw Water Intake Structure, Taylor Plant, and Stone Hill Pump Station.
Southwest Pump Station: Phase 1
To improve delivery and pumping pressure for water sent to the southwestern portion of UTRWD’s service area, UTRWD will continue design / engineering services and begin construction of ground storage tanks and the Southwest Pump Station to replace the current booster station.
Northeast Transmission Pipeline: Phases 1, 2 & 3
UTRWD will continue design / engineering work, acquire needed rights-of-ways, and begin construction of Phases 1 and 2 of the Northeast Transmission Pipeline, a 36” diameter water transmission pipeline extending northeast from the Harpool Water Treatment Facility to provide drinking water to the City of Celina and other customers.
Phase 3 includes preliminary design and to acquire rights-of-ways to extend the Northeast Transmission Pipeline to serve the City of Aubrey and other customers.
TxDOT Relocations
TxDOT is currently expanding several major roadways that impact UTRWD’s existing infrastructure, generally along U.S. Hwy 380, and I-35 north of Denton. In addition, UTRWD will likely be required to relocate its water and wastewater facilities along U.S. Hwy 380 as well as a water transmission pipeline along I-35 north of Denton.
Lake Ralph Hall
Since our existing sources of water can only meet demand for the next 25 years, we must find additional water supplies to meet the growing needs of our members and customers.
UTRWD is planning to add to its existing water supplies by building Lake Ralph Hall along the North Sulphur River in Fannin County.
Learn more on our website dedicated to Lake Ralph Hall:
We collaborate with many local contractors on projects to provide our region with high quality water. Check out our contracting opportunities for Lake Ralph Hall and other current water projects.